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Zimbabwe VP Denies Bleaching His Skin

Zimbabwe’s Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga has denied he uses skin whitening creams, reports News 24.

According to the Chronicle newspaper, he made the denial after being mocked on social media – with some cruel users dubbing him “Bleachy Chiwenga” and “General Ambi”.

He took the opportunity to set the record straight at his sister’s funeral, Zimbabwe’s Herald newspaper adds.

A video shows him explaining it was not a skin whitening cream, but an illness which caused the patches.

“I had this skin sickness that affected my whole body from beneath my feet to my back and the journalists started saying I was using skin lightening creams, but that was not the case. I was sick,” he said.

He said treatment in South Africa failed to work – but herbs did.

“This is what had affected me, and had also affected my wife,” said Mr Chiwenga.


Source: BBC

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