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You are a patriot – Ofori Atta commends #FixTheCountry convener

Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta has commended convener of the #FixTheCountry Movement saying the government will scale up its efforts at transforming the country.

Speaking at a media engagement at the conference room of the Ministry of Finance in Accra on Sunday May 9, he said “In extraordinary times you should expect exceptional leadership from your administration. Government truly believes we cannot ensure exceptional leadership  without the collective efforts from all of us.

“So I commend the youth for calling on government and leaders to  be at their best. This shows the patriotism of Ghanaian youth, echoing the president’s call to be a citizens and not a spectator.

“You have elected us to solve the problems that face us a country, we will continue to  work with you and other stakeholders to do just that.”

With over twenty thousand tweets, it appears another section of Ghanaians are opposing the hash tag with a new one, #NANAISFIXINGIT which has over five thousand tweets.

While the hash tag #FIXTHECOUNTRYNOW is highlighting the challenges faced by the country, the hash tag #NANAISFIXINGIT is supporting the current government by indicating some of the work done by the government.

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