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Why to visit ancient city of Troy in NW Turkey

The ancient city of Troy in Turkey’s Çanakkale province is one of the prominent treasures of the world cultural heritage due to the archaeological findings and through the legends forming the subject matter of the most important epic of the classical antiquity.

Ancient Troy has been immortalised by Homer’s stories of King Priam, Hector, Paris and the beautiful Helen. Archaeological excavations carried out at various times have unearthed settlements, city walls, house foundations, temples and a theatre. Listed on the world heritage list, Troy has special importance in history.
Findings considered as groundbreaking in the field of archaeology and the ancient remains of this city, located by the strait that separates the continents of Europe and Asia, are the heritage of a glorious past started in 3000 BC.

It can easily be said that visiting this location would offer great pleasure to both history and literature lovers. This may be the place you remember for years to come.

Here are the 7 legendary reasons to visit the Ancient City of Troy:

Troy Ancient City: Did you know that the ancient city of Troy was rebuilt nine times? Imagine yourself tracing the remains of each city, while your kids play hide and seek around a replica of the famous Trojan Horse.

Year of Troy: 2018 was declared “Year of Troy” in culture and tourism to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Troy’s addition to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Troy Museum: The Troy Museum was built on the Troy archaeological site. This dreamy, magnificent museum is open to visitors from all over the world.

Trojan War: Trojan War, which inspired many films and soap operas such as the movie Troy (2004) featuring Brad Pitt and Eric Bana, is believed to have taken place here, and together with Homer’s depiction in Iliad, make Troy increasingly attractive.

First Beauty Contest: The first beauty contest in the world and the civilization it destroyed. The World’s First Beauty Contest was held here.

Trojan Horse: At the city centre of Çanakkale, you can see the horse used in the movie Troy (2004).

UNESCO: Troy Ancient City is included in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List.



Source: Daily Sabah

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