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University Administrators threaten strike on June 4

The Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA), has served notice it will embark on strike beginning June 4, 2021.

The industrial action according to the group, will be in force if the Finance Ministry halts the payment of allowances to some of its members who have been described as “unqualified office holders in the public universities”.

GAUA in a statement argued that despite petitions to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry is still going “ahead to withdraw the allowances of members who were legitimately appointed to head offices through no fault of theirs to be unfairly treated this way”

“It is in this regard that we write to notify your outfit of intention to embark on an industrial action if the Ministry of Finance through the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission and the Vice Chancellors Ghana proceed to implement the directive without addressing our demands as contained in several communications on this matter”, portions of the statement added.

The group pointed out that the officers of the grade of Assistant Registrars or their equivalents are fully qualified in running universities for years, thus it is unfortunate to be tagged as unqualified to be denied allowances.

According to the Association, the non-payment of the allowances would have dire consequences on the affected persons.

“No amount of justification for the immediate stoppage in this critical period can suffice”, the statement further added.

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