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Tijaniya Council awards distinguish Canadians    

The Tijaniya Muslim Council of Ghana has stretched its relationship with the Canadian High Commision in Ghana.  The Council, a few months ago, celebrated the life of the world founder of the Tijainyya doctrine, Sheikh Ahmed Tijani initiated by the first chief Imam of the Ghana Arm forces, Sheikh Abdulai Ahmed Maikano. The event was attended by thousands of people who join in the celebration.

Many outstanding personalities were honoured for their various contribution in many fields. Among those honoured at Prang in the Pru district of the Brong Ahafo region was the Supreme successor of world Tijaniyya, Khalifat Amm Sheikh Sidi Ali Bin Arabi Al-Tijani from Algeria and the Vice President of Ghana Dr Mahmoud Bawumia.


Presenting the awards on behalf of the President of the council, Sheikh Khalifa Abul-Faidi Maikano, Sheikh Muhammed Mutawakilu Iddriss briefly narrated the biography of Sheikh Tijani.

He prayed that the mutual relationship existing between the two entities will be strengthened more to the benefits of all.
Sheikh Mutawakilu emphasizes on areas that needed much attention such as education, skills training and women empowerment.


Khalifa’s personal Aid Abubakar Baba Yara said, the Tijaniya Muslim Council of Ghana for some time now has been honouring hard work, and will continue to recognise outstanding and distinguish personalities who have contributed to the socio-economic and inter-religious believe s of this country.


He praised the Canadians for their accommodation and cooperation.

The High Commissioner, Heather Cameron reiterated their commitment to the cooperation existing between the two sides. She was quick to add that, the Canadian President has always cherished women empowerment and development and that she is pleased to see the women wing of the Council.

She advises the women not to relent on their effort but to rock shoulders with their male counterpart in all fields of development. At the meeting was the political head at the embassy Mr Pasquale Salvaggio, the head of media of the Tijaniya Council, Muhammed Muhtari Ibrahim and Zulaiha Alhassan from The Office of Khalifa, Sheikh Abul-Faidi Maikano.


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