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The Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs hosts the Nordic-African Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Copenhagen

Anders Samuelsen, Denmark’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, is hosting the Nordic-African Foreign Ministers meeting on 6 and 7 June 2018.

The agenda includes topics such as free trade and globalization, peace and security, opportunities for increased trade and investment, and how to create opportunities for the many young people on the African continent.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs Anders Samuelsen says:

“I am pleased to welcome my Nordic and African colleagues in Copenhagen. The meeting of Foreign Ministers is a great opportunity to have an open and direct dialogue. Ten African Foreign Ministers are attending. It is a significant number of participants, which testifies to the close, long-term commitment and partnership that Denmark and the other Nordic countries share with Africa. ”

“We live in a world marked by uncertainties. There is increasing pressure on international rules. For a small and open economy like Denmark, this is a serious challenge. This is one of the reasons why Denmark, the Nordic countries and Europe have clear interests in maintaining and strengthening our partnership with the African countries. ”

“There is a great potential for our companies in many African countries. But we also know the challenges. Especially when it comes to creating opportunities and jobs for the many young people in Africa, so they do not embark on a dangerous and futile journey towards Europe. We must help create opportunities for the young people in their countries of origin. This is in Denmark’s interest. ”

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