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Trump says, PKK terror group much worse than Daesh, US making YPG ‘look like angels’

The PKK terror group is much worse than Daesh and probably constitutes a bigger terrorist threat, U.S. President Donald Trump said late Wednesday during a press conference with Italian Premier Sergio Matarello. “The PKK, which is a part of the Kurds,

US to evacuate all remaining troops from northern Syria

Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday said the U.S. will evacuate roughly 1,000 troops from northern Syria amid Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring. Esper said President Donald Trump ordered U.S. forces to move south of the Turkish operation area, but not leave

US, Russia veto UN Security Council statement on Turkey’s op in Syria

The U.N. Security Council failed to agree on a statement on Turkey’s counterterrorism operation in Syria at a closed meeting to discuss the action Thursday. The U.S. and Russia vetoed a statement by five European members — France, Germany, Belgium, Britain and Poland — condemning

Explore Taksim for a remarkable travel experience in Istanbul

Fernil Travel Team visited Taksim as part of our business and pleasure project.  Taksim used to be the point where the main water lines from the north of the city were collected to be branched off to other parts of it.

Benefits of Establishing a Business in Turkey

Turkey, among the fastest growing economies in the world, is one of the best places to expand your business. With its thriving economy, geopolitical position, promising growth opportunities, the hard-working business community, and a young population, the country attracts foreign investors

Saudi intelligence shocked at found Kashoggi recording – Erdoğan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan disclosed to journalists that The audio recording of the moments Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was killed at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul even shocked a Saudi intelligence officer he said this following his two-day official visit
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