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Agyapa deal controversy starts again

 Member of Parliament for Ajumako/Enyan/Essiam Dr Cassiel Ato Forson has vowed that the minority will do everything possible to resist any attempt by the Akufo-Addo administration to place again before parliament, the Agyapa Royalties Transaction documents.  “The structure of Agyapa itself

Vetting of Akufo-Addo’s nominees to commence today

The Appointment Committee of Ghana’s parliament will commence vetting of the first list of ministerial appointment for President Akufo-Addo’s second term. The vetting is scheduled for the month of February and the first week of March. The process will commence today

ACEPA wants physical parliamentary sittings suspended

The African Centre for Parliamentary Affairs (ACEPA) wants the leadership of Parliament to find a non-physical alternative to running affairs of the House following the detection of 71 COVID-19 infections. ACEPA, which has already been supporting calls for the closure of

Parliament to investigate PWD saga

  Ghana’s parliament has assured that, it will conduct investigations into the circumstances that led to a person with disability being denied access into the chamber on Friday, 30 November 2018 because, according to the security, he could not stand on

Media coalition lament MP’S lackadaisical attitude towards RTI bill

The Media Coalition pushing for the passage of the Right to Information (RTI) Bill, has expressed concerns over what they describe as the lackadaisical attitude of some Members of Parliament towards the passage of the RTI Bill. The Media Coalition, in

Ras Mubarak to ride bicycle to parliament over fuel price hikes

Member of parliament for Kumbungu Ras Mubarak has decided he will start riding a bicycle to parliament from Tuesday, 6 November 2018, as a way of drawing attention to the hard times experienced by ordinary Ghanaians vis-à-vis the constant rise in

MP worried about passage of RTI bill

Member of Parliament for Adansi Asokwa, K.T. Hammond has stated that, he and some of his fellow MPs are very worried because of the potential pitfalls the Right to Information (RTI) Bill in its current form presents. “I am very very

Police prevent journalist from registering displeasure over RTI bill

The Police in Ghana’s legislature have prevented the Media Coalition on the Right to Information Bill from storming the house and register their displeasure over failure to pass the bill into law. The journalists who were clad in RTI t-shirts were
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