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Ramadan fatwas: Fasting on behalf of a deceased person

If anyone dies in a state (that he had to complete) some fasts, his heir must fast on his behalf.

 Question: If one died and he had not paid an accumulated expiation of several months of Ramadan that he did not fast because of chronic disease, then does his heir has to pay this expiation on behalf of the deceased? And how much is it?

AnswerIf one did not fast in Ramadan because of a chronic disease, and this disease continued till he died, then he is excused. He is not obligated to make up for the fast nor pay Fidyah (compensation) because his excuse (chronic disease) continued till he died.

However, if he could make up for what he missed, then his heir has to make up for his fast as Allah’s Messenger (Peace be upon him) said: “If anyone dies in a state (that he had to complete) some fasts, his heir must fast on his behalf.”

If the heir will not make up for the fast, he can pay an expiation of one Modd (about two-third of a kg) of food to the poor for every day the dead person had not fasted, or he may give the Modd’s value to the poor.

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