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Ghana – Protecting the public purse: Whose business is it to send people to mecca who will return to be revered and call honorable?

Whose business is it to send people to mecca who will return to be revered and call honorable?

Is it a constitutional dictate to send people to Mecca? Has our Mps so called honorable men and women ever bothered to subject to the investigation where every political party coming into power get the resources to take people to Mecca? Or is it a convention so contained in our norms, which I know not of? Corruption has different shades.

I don’t think people who want to be called honorable with dignity should attain such titles through the “Masses means”.

Which political party has ever taken people to Mecca prior to capturing power?

It is an undeniable fact that the politicians have been deeping their hands into the public purse in order to make names for themselves and  make mockery of the highly revered holy pilgrimage.

I think people ought to rethink their values, and work hard to attain such titles through dignified means.

I feel utterly disturbed that, annually, the politician sends people to Mecca when he is wielding power and when he is ousted, his good works comes to an end. And let me say emphatically that I am not against going to Mecca, nor undermining the purpose of it, but I think giving the Holiness of the occasion, it should not be left in the hands of dirty
and ungrateful politicians to be toyed with.

Going to Mecca suggests how blessed one has been from Allah, and using what he has been blessed to visit the Holy place, and praise His name.

There are many who would not use their money because of greed!


Source: Fernilnews/Yentik Gariba

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