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Pompeo meets with Iraqi officials on surprise stop in Baghdad

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met Iraqi officials, including the speaker of parliament, on an unannounced visit to Baghdad on Wednesday, the parliament’s spokesman said.

Pompeo is expected to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, President Barham Salih and Foreign Minister Mohammed Ali al-Hakim to discuss the fight against Daesh terror group, according to Iraqi media.

Pompeo visited Jordan on Tuesday, on the first leg of an expansive eight-stop tour of the Middle East in an effort to assure U.S. partners of Washington’s commitment to the region.

Pompeo’s talks, on the second leg of a key Middle East tour, come less than two weeks after President Donald Trump drew criticism for failing to meet a single Iraqi official during a surprise Christmas visit to U.S. troops.


Source: Daily Sabah


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