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Plant-for-the-Planet Ghana to plant 10 million trees

Plant-for-the-Planet Ghana has launched a project to plant 10 million trees in Ghana at Banpewa, a community in the Bole district of the Savannah Region under the Trillion Tree Campaign of Plant-for-the-Planet which seeks to plant Trillion Trees in the world.

A press release issued in Accra, and copied to said the Northern Savannah Ecological Zone of Ghana, which is made up of five geographic regions, will be the main focus for this project.

Signed by Mr. Mohammed Rabiu Dannakabu, The Executive Director of Plant-for-the-Planet Ghana, said Plant-for-Ghana project, have set out to resist the dying of the last man by planting and managing 10,000,000 trees through the Trillion Trees Campaign in the next decades in the Northern Savannah Ecological Zone of Ghana.

This will obviously reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, raise awareness among the local people about biodiversity, bring back most animal species like monkeys back to the site, to address the multitude of issues associated with deforestation and to return global temperature rises to within two degrees Celsius of pre-industrial levels, through reforestation and achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and ultimately creating green jobs to enhance quality of life in the face of climate change threats – something that lies at the heart of this project.

“We are starting with planting and managing 25,000 trees for the first phase of the project this year in Banpewa on part of the 1000 hectares secured in the community. The Northern Savannah Ecological Zone which is made up of 5 geographic regions will be the main focus of the project but we’ll expand to other regions in Ghana.

Among the species we are planting and managing this year include, Mahogany, African Locust (Dawadawa), Cashew, Cassia and more species would be planted and managed next year.”

The Registrar of the Savannah regional house of chiefs, Abutu Kapori commended the chief of the area, Nnaa Agbaa Jaaga III for embracing the project.

He said the project fits into the Savannah Regional House of Chiefs’ efforts to reforest the degraded land in the region and assured that the other Chiefs are ready to assist the planting of trees in their communities.

The project, dubbed ‘Plant-for-Ghana’, is being funded by donors across the world through the Plant-for-the-Planet App and other corporate donors. Plant-for-Ghana is a pioneer project of Plant-for-the-Planet Ghana, under the umbrella of the Trillion Tree Campaign which is a project of Plan-for-the-Planet Foundation.

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