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Visitors to Turkey’s Mardin quintuple as tourism revived in historic city

The southeastern city of Mardin, home to a rich mix of cultures with their heritage prevalent in its narrow alleys and splendid manors, enjoyed a fivefold increase in tourists. This boost comes in the wake of security operations that weeded out

UN calls for international probe into Khashoggi murder in Istanbul

The United Nations said on Friday that it could not assess the fairness of a trial taking place in Saudi Arabia related to the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, but that in any case it was “not sufficient,” while also urging

Pompeo to visit Middle East for talks on Yemen, Iran, Syria

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will travel to the Middle East next week in an effort to shore up support from America’s Arab partners amid increasing tensions in the region. In his first Mideast trip since President Donald Trump’s recent announcement

BOG allays fears of Heritage and Premium bank clients

The Bank of Ghana (BoG) has allayed the fears of customers of Premium Bank and Heritage Bank that their deposits are safe and fully accessible. The licences of the two banks have been revoked by the apex bank. At a press

Ghana’s Auditor General bags GHC67m in surcharges

Ghana’s Auditor-General’s Department has retrieved about GHS67 million as surcharges paid by state institutions that committed financial wrongs between 2013 and November 2018, according to a Special Audit report. “Our follow-up on the status of implementation of recommendations in the Auditor-General’s

Former GIMPA rector appointed NDPC boss

  Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo, in consultation with the Council of State, appointed a former Rector of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Professor Stephen Adei, as the Chairman of the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC). In accordance

Mass hacking targets personal information of German politicians including Merkel

Hackers have posted personal data from hundreds of German politicians from major parties including credit card details and mobile phone numbers, with Chancellor Angela Merkel among those affected, local media reported on Friday. Germany’s BSI national cyber defense body met early

US’ first 2 Muslim congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib take their oaths on Quran

As the first Muslim congresswomen elected to the U.S. Congress, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib took their oaths of office on the Quran Thursday, with Omar using her grandfather’s copy, and Tlaib opting for a personal copy. Ilhan Omar, who made
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