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Violent kidnappings-for-ransom spread across Nigeria

Mr Aminu Magami, a taxi driver in northwest Nigeria, froze in fear when more than 20 gunmen stormed an expressway one night in February, shooting into the air. “One of them ran towards my car” as Mr Magami was stuck, the

Sudan protest hub: ‘Legitimacy can’t come from barrel of gun’ – Germany

The United Nations Security Council called an emergency meeting to discuss events in Sudan after a deadly attack by security forces on protesters in Khartoum on Monday. One of the biggest pronouncements from the stakeout of the session was by the

After 16 years, Baghdad’s Green Zone reopens to the public

Baghdad’s Green Zone area, the heavily fortified strip on the west bank of the Tigris River, reopened to the public Tuesday after 16 years — a move meant to portray increased confidence in the country’s overall security situation after years of

U.S. Government Blended-Finance Fund to Empower Women in Developing Markets

Today at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in The Netherlands, the U.S. Government made substantial commitments to drive women’s economic empowerment in developing markets.  The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced $500,000 in funding and $100,000 in technical assistance to the

His Royal Highness Prince Constantijn van Oranje wants to make the Netherlands “a unicorn nation”

As a leading innovation nation, the Netherlands wants to play a bigger role in developing solutions for a better world and building companies that can make a positive impact on a global scale. To ensure this, the Dutch government today launched

Thousands protest Trump’s visit, policies in London

Thousands of people protested in central London on Tuesday against U.S. President Donald Trump’s pomp-laden state visit to Britain, but numbers were far down from the tens of thousands who gathered to oppose his visit last year. Protesters waved witty and

Rawlings calls for review of entrenched clause that protect high level political actors

Former President Jerry John Rawlings has called for an urgent review of the Fourth Republican Constitution to remove the entrenched clauses that protect high-level political actors and embolden some of them to abuse their office and criminally profit from their positions

GAWU calls for restriction of rice importation into Ghana

The Ghana Agricultural Workers Union, GAWU has appealed to the   government to restrict the importation of rice in the country. According to the union, the step will enable Ghana to achieve its 2022 target of becoming self-sufficient in rice production. General
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