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Opinion – Celebrating AU day is meaningless – Social activist.

A social activist and a journalist has said, putting a day aside for the celebration of AU is meaningless to the African continent.

The day is supposedly used by African leaders to assess and ponder on the achievements of the African continent since it gained freedom from colonialism.

The wasteful deliberations and assessments on this day by some African leaders has no impact on the African people, the journalist alluded.

Mr Muyideen Suleman was interviewed by a cross section of journalists on the African Unity day in Kumasi on Thursday.

He said it is a  total waste of Africans little resources on this day since it has not made any significant dynamics in an ordinary African life.

The problems of African countries  will continued to escalates if there are still endless conflicts, lack of true leaders, over- dependent on int. Aid, Rich subaltern mindset and media injustice. He added

He said, some  of our leaders are so greedy that some of the deliberations are just made to make room for looting and stealing intentions.

From the era of ECOWAS to date , African countries has seen a tremendous ascendancy in the areas of corruption, diseases, nepotism, poor road networks, poor drinking water, unemployment amongst others . He noted.

He emphasised that, until and unless the Africans ourselves understand that our problems are created by those we trust to offer help, not much will change for this great continent.


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