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NEIP: Ghana to become the most business friendly country in the world

The National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Plan which was launched recently by the government of Ghana would be a key tool for making Ghana the most business-friendly country in the world. This was said by Acting Chief Director of the Ministry of Business Development (Office Of The President), Mr. Joe Tackie at the Executive Breakfast Meeting held at the African Regent Hotel in Accra on Thursday.

Mr. Takie who spoke on behalf of the Minister for Business Development, Hon. Mohammed Awal said “under the Ministry of Business Development, we are implementing the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Plan (NEIP) and that is taking care of young people who are anxious about starting their own businesses and in so doing, there is the opportunity for them to be trained, there is the opportunity to provide them with spaces for them to begin to implement their ideas; we call them incubation spaces, then support business advisory support, to ensure that, as startups, they can stay the cause and be able to implement these businesses”.

Mr. Kwadwo Ohemeng Asumaning (left) Mr. Joe Tackie (right)

He went further to state that “the whole idea is to ensure that the president’s vision of making this country the most business-friendly with the critical mass of entrepreneurs who have the great opportunity to implement would help us achieve that”.

Participants the Executive Breakfast Meeting

The event was organized by the Business Council for Africa, which has been in existence for close to 25 years, with membership cutting across several Blue Chip companies in Ghana, many of whom are either wholly Ghanaian owned or foreign. Its aim is to contribute immensely to the socio-economic development of Ghana.

The topic for the maiden edition Executive Breakfast Meeting was “Good to Great” Providing the Enabling Environment for Business to Thrive. The Role of Ministry of Business Development & BCA Ghana.

Some members and participants (Group Photo) at the Executive Breakfast Meeting

The Chairman of the Business Council for Africa, Mr. Kwadwo Ohemeng Asumaning, thanked the participants at the event especially the Acting Chief Director, for honoring their invitation.

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