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Mr President As you deliver the State of the Nation Address

Mr president its been exactly two years since you took over the helm of affairs of our beloved Ghana and I hope your good self and Ghanaians would bear witness to events that have characterized this your two years so far.

Mr president I must commend you in your strides you have made in terms of the free senior high school so far making sure all Ghanaian youth no matter your status is educated freely at the senior high school level kudos although I must say there is more room for improvement Mr President .

Mr president you were true to your word as you finally created the additional six regions but it should not just end there bringing governance to the doorstep of the people is not just the creation of the regions and districts but the necessary development machinery that comes along with such mandate must work as well.

There are other sectors also craving for your attention which I believe you know very well Mr President like energy , agriculture ,good roads ,oil sector to mention but a few to be put on the right track .

Mr President in terms of our economy what is the state of our cedi ?per my lay mans view   I watch the forex stocks and I go like what went wrong with our cedi? But I hope I get an explanation and the way forward as you gear up to deliver your state of the nation .

Mr president I must also commend the zeal with which issues of illegal mining are being resolved although I believe there is so much work to be done in that sector to save our environment as well.

Mr president in terms of our security ,security security wondering why I mentioned it thrice its because I am wondering where we stand as a country even in terms of our internal security as country ? this questions started boggling my mind after the famous Ayawaso west wuogon by elections that was marred after gunshots at the la bawleshie polling station where you could realize that our own police were not in control of affairs at all, as they stood there to watch groups of some controversial masked men terrorize the scene creating a blot on the process .What baffles me more is the contradictions upon contradictions that officers of this security agencies came to deliver as they were called upon to render account of happenings during that day on the Emile short commission tasked to probe happening on that fateful day at the Ayawaso west wuogon voting grounds. You could see and in

fact smell the lack of coordination in our police service that are supposed to protect us.

The situation is largely blamed on politicians controlling the sector that should not be the case the police service is very independent and should be left a such.

Mr President as a human right activist who swore to protect the interest of our  beloved  country I hope you strive hard to set an example to deal with that situation sanitize the security service especially the police to be precise to historically remain as a precedent for others to follow.

Mr President as you also deliver the state nations address there is a political  syndrome threatening the peace of our beloved country and it seems to now be the political order of the day .I mean the trend now where political parties establish so called vigilante groups and unfortunately your party that brought you to power is not an exception causing commotion at slightest provocation Mr president are political parties yours inclusive trying to tell me they do not trust the approved security operatives to deliver hence the establishment of such groups ? well, Mr president this vigilante groups are nothing but a threat to our peace and its high time you gained the political fortitude and temerity to stand up to them and disband them, they have better jobs to do than to just cause fear and panic.

Its high time  we learn from countries that just came out war to guard ourselves its this little infiltrations that cause us our hard earned peace as a country . Ask these country’s and they will tell how herculean a task it is to build after a country has been out of war and the psychological trauma it brings to its citizens.

Mr president this and other few things we are craving to know its state and where we stand as a country and I hope you deliver just that .

Thanks for your attention from your favorite citizen Stella Annan

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