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Joseph Kabila Joins list of African former presidents

Whereas some countries boast up to five former presidents – be they democratically elected or military rulers – others can count none.
Most of those without ex-presidents are the countries where we have the sit-tight leaders, those that have held onto power for decades and yet show no signs of slowing down.
The most recent African country to have a former president is the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC. Where at 47-years-old Joseph Kabila has left office after 18 years in charge of sub-Saharan Africa’s biggest nation.
Kabila came to power in 2001 following the assassination of his father, he won two contested polls and managed to overstay him constitutional mandate by two whole years.
A day after taking office, the man who for a decade and over was Africa’s youngest leader hopped into a pick-up driving himself away from the presidential villa in the capital Kinshasa as he was seen off by his successor, Felix Tsihsekedi.
But Kabila drove off after barely twenty-four hours when he handed over executive authority to Tshisekedi. Agreeing to leave means he joined a group of former African presidents – a quite prestigious group across the continent.
With a starting point of 2015, this article lists former leaders who either served out their terms and exited or those that lost re-election bids. Plus the one that willingly left and other who was pushed.

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