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Inside Africa – Africa Will Wean Itself From Western Support – Akufo-Addo

President  Akufo-Addo says the African Continent wean itself from foreign aid within the next fifty years if the continent is mindful to implement the AU Agenda 2063.

Addressing participants of a World Leader Forum at the 5th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development held at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, President Akufo Addo says African can no longer build a prosperous and Progressive continent with Aid.

“We are a continent reliant on foreign aid, despite economic growth in parts of Africa significantly outpacing the global average. Truth be told, the full implementation of the SDGs in Africa cannot be done with a mindset of dependence. We must add value to our resources, and we must industrialise. Unless we do so, we cannot finance on our own the full implementation of the SDGs. The agenda surely has to be an Africa Beyond Aid”, the President said.

The President is in the USA to join his colleague leaders from 193 member States of the UN for the 72nd UN General Assembly in New York.


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