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Hourslong attack kills 29 in Afghanistan’s Kabul, official says

A brazen hourslong coordinated assault on a government building in the Afghan capital of Kabul on Monday killed 29 people, most of them employees of the department for martyrs and disabled persons, said Interior Ministry spokesman Najib Danish. Another 23 people were wounded, including three policemen.

The assault began with a suicide bomber who blew up his explosives-laden car in front of the multi-story building in an eastern neighborhood of Kabul. Within minutes of the powerful explosion three gunmen, armed with assault rifles and explosive devises, stormed the building. For nearly eight hours they rampaged through the office complex terrorizing employees. Some of the employees managed to hide and police quickly evacuated 357 other employees, Danish said.

Witnesses reported hearing at least five explosions as police and gunmen traded fire. One of the dead was a police officer but the rest were civilians, including one women.

Police cordoned of the area as they tried to secure the building but Danish said the operation was painstakingly slow as police went carefully from room to room and floor to floor. All three gunmen were killed.

Mujahid said all they could tell the terrified employees was to wait for help to arrive.

It wasn’t immediately known if those who had made the phone call had survived.

Several apartment buildings as well as a government public works department building are located in the same eastern Kabul neighborhood where the attack occurred. Eyewitnesses reported that a portion of the government building was in flames. It smoldered for hours as police tried to locate the dead and wounded. Danish feared the death toll could increase as police continue to search the building. More searching will be done in the daylight hours when he feared the death toll could increase.

No one claimed responsibility but both the Taliban and the local Daesh affiliate have carried out brazen daytime attacks in the capital.

Pakistan is taking part in the latest U.S. effort to revive the peace process. It was Pakistan that helped orchestrate last week’s talks in the United Arab Emirates. Representatives of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Pakistan and the United States attended those talks with the Taliban.

The latest violence comes just two days after U.S. President Donald Trump announced half of the 14,000 American soldiers in Afghanistan would be withdrawn by the summer.


Source: Daily Sabah

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