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Ghana to observe one year memorial lecture for late Former Vice President Amissah-Arthur

Amissah Arthur was once a senior lecturer at the Economics Department of the University of Ghana before assuming the role of Vice-President under the administration of John Mahama from 2012-2016.

He died on 29 June 2018 while on a morning workout at a Burma Camp gym in Accra.

The lecture will be delivered by a former senior governor of the central bank of Nigeria, Professor Charles Fumidor with the UN’s Representative to the Sahel and West Africa, Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas as Chairman.

Some donations will also to be made in the name of the late Vice-President to the Moree Hospital and Moree Senior High School in the Central Region.

The anniversary will be climaxed at the Calvary Methodist Church in Accra with a remembrance service on Saturday, 29 June.


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