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Ghana – Queen Of Denmark Margrethe II Visiting Ghana

The Queen of Denmark Margrethe II is coming to Ghana on a state visit in November.

Margrethe II is also the supreme authority of the Church of Denmark and Commander-in-Chief of the Danish Defence.

She is expected to foster the business relation between Ghana and Denmark as well as promote networking among business owners.

“I am happy to say that there is a big interest for Ghana of the Danish business sector. Next month Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark will be coming to Ghana on a state visit, and no less than 38 Danish companies have registered for the business delegation joining the state visit. Among these are some of Danish biggest and world-famous companies,” Danish Ambassador to Ghana, Tove Degnbol disclosed at a conference dubbed: “Ghana Beyond Aid.”

The Danish Ambassador to Ghana, Tove Degnbol, handing over the magazine “From Aid to Trade – The Ghanaian-Danish Partnership in Transition” to H.E. Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia

The conference was a joint event drawing some 150 representatives of Ghana’s business community, ministries, embassies and it was arranged by the Danish, Dutch and Norwegian embassies in Ghana, to share experiences and ideas to develop a joint vision about a future Ghana and roadmap to get there.

 The Danish Ambassador used the occasion to launch a new magazine “From Aid to Trade – The Ghanaian-Danish Partnership in Transition”. The magazine chronicles Danish support to Ghana’s private sector over more than two decades and outlines perspectives for the future partnership.

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