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Ghana on path to transform its educational sector – Education Min assures

Education Minister Dr Mathew Opoku Prempeh has participated in the British Council Policy Dialogue in London, which explored the question: “How do we prepare our young people for a future we are trying to predict?”

A keynote presentation was delivered by Olga Srietska-Ilina, a senior skills and employability specialist.

She reflected on the changing world and the key factors that will affect labour markets and societies in the coming decades.

Contributing to the discussion, Dr Prempeh, popularly known as Napo, informed the gathering of education ministers and key policymakers from around the world that Ghana was determined to transform its education sector, with a special focus on the teacher and curriculum.

He further stated that a well-trained, equipped and motivated teacher coupled with robust curricula fit for the 21st century needs, are the most essential ingredients for the transformation Ghana so desires.

“Contributions from the floor made me aware that other countries in sub-Saharan Africa are also trying to undertake massive reforms, with several challenges. But I was further informed that Ghana serves as a beacon of hope to many and, is, therefore, a reference point for reform owners across the continent,” Dr Prempeh posted on Facebook after the conference, adding that: “This is most encouraging, because, it assures me that Ghana is on to something good and that the decisions that are being made daily at the Ministry of Education are setting a solid foundation to properly groom the next generation of nation builders.”

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