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Ghana – Government had contract with Assibit’s company – Witness

A Defence Witness in the Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency (GYEEDA) case says Goodwill International Group (GIG) had a Service contract with the government of Ghana.

Mr Jacob Atule Adongo, a Director for Gender and Disability of the National Youth Employment Programme (NYEP) told the Financial Court Division of the High Court that the agreement was signed by Mr Kofi Homador, a former Minister of Youth and Sport and witnessed by Abuga Pele, the Former National Coordinator of GYEEDA.

Mr Adongo testifying as a defence witness told the court that the document agreement for the contract was prepared by the Attorney General’s Department.

Mr Abuga Pele, the former National Co-ordinator of GYEEDA and Mr Philip Akpeena Assibit, a representative of GIG, are facing various charges of causing financial loss of 41.1 million Ghana Cedis to the State.

Assibit is being accused of putting in false claims that he had secured a 65-million-dollar World Bank funding for the creation of one million jobs for the youth, which led government to part with GH¢ 41.1 million.

When asked, whether, the Agency still has the agreement in their records, the witness said, it was unfortunate that when EOCO invaded their office and picked documents, the agreement was part and they were yet to return it.

‘My Lord, l guess AG will get a copy, since their office was not invaded,’ he added.

The Director said GIG of which Assibit is part rendered several services to the Agency including development of an exit plan, training of 250 people to help develop the youth action plan, they also develop a proposal to secure funding from the World Bank and DANIDA and other several consultative workshop and expert advice were facilitated by them.

He said the DANIDA proposal was to secure funding to support employment drive for people with disability, while the World Bank proposal was to secure funding for youth enterprise development.

‘The main proposal was worked on by GIG in partnership with MDPI,’ he said.

The witness said the Presidency at the time played a role and the Ministry of Finance also but they all came in after the funding was secured.

He said when a request was received from a Service Provider, review made on status of work done and all relevant document attached, management refer it to the monitoring team for evaluation and a report was submitted back to management for deliberation and the National coordinator notified the Ministry of the need to pay by seeking its approval.

He said after, this stage the Ministry audits the request and the Minister approves or otherwise and authorise the Chief Director to communicate same to the National Coordinator with other processes before the money could be paid to the Service Provider.

He said in all six payments were made to the GIG and MDPI for all the work they did for the agency.

He said per their system the National Coordinator does not have the authorisation to approve payment beyond GH¢20,000.

On June 19, 2015 the Court ordered Philip and Pele to open their defence in respect of a GH¢4.1 million Malfeasance case against them.

The order came after the Court had ruled that the State had established a prima facie case against the two, in respect of 19 counts of defrauding by false pretences, abetment of crime, dishonesty and intentionally misapplying public funds and willfully causing financial loss to the State.

Philip went for an appeal, which was adjourned sine die.

The case has been adjourned for continuation on Tuesday.


Source: GNA

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