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Gang lawyer shot dead on school run in SA

A top criminal lawyer whose clients included gang leaders has been shot dead outside his children’s school in Cape Town as he was dropping them off for the day.

Police say they are searching for an as-yet unidentified suspect who shot Pete Mihalik dead in his car, in an attack which also left his eight-year-old son injured and needing hospital treatment. His daughter was unhurt.

“The suspect was seen fleeing the scene in a metallic-grey VW Polo”, says Police Spokesperson Sergeant Noloyiso Rwexana.

Mr Mihalik, 50, was regarded as a talented lawyer known for defending high-profile cases including that of businessman Jason Rohde who was accused of murdering his wife‚ as well as other clients described by local media as “some of Cape Town’s leading gangsters”.

Another lawyer with whom he often worked, Noorudien Hassan, was shot dead outside his home in Cape Town two years ago.

Source: BBC

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