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Family of kidnapped girls hold vigil for them

The families and friends of the three abducted girls in Takoradi in the Western Region have organised a vigil and intercessory prayer for the return of their lost girls.

They lit candles and prayed amidst cries for God’s intervention.

The Western Region Police Command have mounted a search for the whereabouts of the girls who were all kidnapped last year since August.

Although the prime suspect, Samuel Udoetuk-Wills, a Nigerian has been arrested, he is yet to show the authorities the whereabouts of the girls.

The three girls are 21-year-old Priscilla Blessing Bentum, last seen on 17 August 2018; 18-year-old Ruth Love Quayson, last seen on 4 December 2018; and 18-year-old Priscilla Mantebea Koranchie, last seen on 21 December 2018.


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