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Entertainment: Ugandan police grill local singer Kapo over gun posters

Ugandan local Kadongokamu singer Kazibwe Kapo was yesterday interrogated by Katwe police over gun posters a head of his music concert.

Mr Kazibwe was interrogated by Kampala Metropolitan South Regional Police Commander, Geoffrey Kaheebwa, after seeing posters of him holding a gun pinned on streets.

Mr Emilian Kayima, Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson, said the singer was summoned to explain the source of the weapon on his posters.

“Police wants understand whether he owns the weapon or he hired it from someone,” Mr Kayima said.

Mr Kazibwe has an album launch on February 24, 2017 titled Tuzze Emundu ku Ggomboloola literally translated as let’s take back guns at the Subcounty. The Luganda song urges old men to stop womanising.

A womaniser is a man who always seems to have a new girlfriend, and who has no hesitation about starting up a new relationship before he’s ended the last one. Usually, these relationships are sexual and don’t last long.

Mr Kazibwe, while speaking to Daily Monitor after being released on police bond said he took the photo of a gun while at State lite studio at Old Kampala. He said he got the gun from a security guard who is his friend. He said the guard was by passing the studio.

“My song Tuzze Emundu ku Ggomboloola has earned airplays and many people know it. This guard was excited upon seeing me and I asked him to lend me his gun for a photo. The photo took seconds and he left. I didn’t know it was going to be a case,” Mr Kazibwe said.

Kazibwe was asked to report again on Tuesday for further interrogation. Mr Kayima said police had started investigating the truthiness of his claims.

Last year, Mr Fred Enanga, former Police spokesperson, warned musician and public against putting army like attires and taking photos holding guns.

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