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ECOWAS demands release of Burkinabe President Christian Kabore

The Economic Community of West States (ECOWAS) has demanded the immediate release of deposed Burkinabe President, Christian Kabore,s and members of his government who are still in custody by the military junta in that country.

This was after about some three hours of meeting to discuss two reports from two delegations that were sent by the sub-region body to meet with the military leadership of Burkina Faso here in Accra.

ECOWAS is also demanding that the military leadership presents an acceptable roadmap for the return to constitutional rule in the West African nation.

The Authority of Head of State also upholds the suspension of Burkina Faso from all ECOWAS Institutions until the restoration of constitutional order.

They called on the military authorities to establish the transition institutions as well as adopt a transition calendar and facilitate the return to constitutional order as soon as possible.

“Instructs the Commission to ensure continuous engagement with the new authorities through the establishment of a monitoring mechanism, including African Union and United Nations, with a view to accompanying the Transition process,” the Authority decided.

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