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Death toll rises as tense Zimbabwe awaits election results

The number of people killed in Zimbabwe’s post-election violence has risen to six, according to police, as opposition leader Nelson Chamisa claimed victory ahead of the release of official results in the tightly-contested presidential poll.

The situation in the capital, Harare, remained tense on Thursday, as police raised the death toll in clashes between security forces and opposition supporters from three to six.

The electoral commission has until Saturday to release the full results of the presidential elections, but faces pressure to make them public as soon as possible amid escalating tensions. It is expected to start releasing later on Thursday.

On Wednesday, after electoral officials announced that the ruling ZANU-PF party won most of the parliamentary vote, opposition supporters who claim Monday’s poll was rigged took to the streets, burning tyres and throwing stones before riot police and the army intervened.

Witnesses told Al Jazeera on Wednesday that soldiers used live rounds to disperse the demonstrators. Security forces also used tear gas and water cannons at them.

Chamisa: We have won

Both the government and the opposition accused each other of instigating the violence.

Meanwhile,Emmerson Mnangagwa,  incumbent president and ZANU-PF’s leader, said on Thursday he was in talks with the opposition to find ways to diffuse the situation.

“We have been in communication with Nelson Chamisa to discuss how to immediately diffuse the situation, and we must maintain this dialogue in order to protect the peace we hold dear,” Mnangagwa tweeted.

But after visiting wounded protesters at Harare’s Parirenyatwa hospital, Chamisa ruled out a meeting with his opponent.

“I’m not going to meet with him [Mnangagwa]. There is no meeting pencilled,” Chamisa said on Thursday.

He condemned violence as “unacceptable” and reiterated his belief that he was the winner of the elections.

“Our people are peace loving. Zimbabweans love peace but they are very violent government. We respect the law but we are been abused for respecting the law,” he said.

“Mnangagwa is losing in all the constituencies where my MPs were not performing well,” added Chamisa.

“We have won this election and Mr Mnangagwa knows it – our supporters must be calm and anticipate massive celebrations.


Source: Al jazeera

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