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Curfew imposed on Yendi

Interior Minister, Ambrose Dery, has imposed a 5:00pm to 7:00am curfew on Yendi and its environs effective Friday, 18 January 2019.

The decision to impose the curfew was taken based on the advice of the Northern Regional Security Council and by Executive Instrument.

A statement by Mr Dery indicated that: “The imposition of the curfew is to forestall any violence as well as ensure the maintenance of law and order in Yendi and its environs”.

There is also a total ban on all persons in Yendi and its environs from carrying arms, ammunition or offensive weapon and “any persons found with any arms or ammunition will be arrested and prosecuted”.

Government has also urged chiefs, elders, opinion leaders, youth and people of the area to exercise restraint during any challenges and use non-violent means to channel any grievances.

This comes in the wake of the nomination and subsequent process to install a new Ya Na in Dagbon.

According to Accra based ClassFM the Chief of Savulugu, Yo Na Abukari Mahama has been nominated by the kingmakers as the new Ya Na.


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