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As mother Ghana hits 62

If our beloved Ghana were to be a government worker or even a private one she would be getting ready to lay down her working tools as retirement beckons.

But a mothers love for her children never retires but rather urges her to move on and fight for a better life for them.

As our beloved Ghana is now 62 years old  would those who fought for  her independence and better prospects and   unfortunately are not among us on this earth again be happy with our beloved mothers current life ?

Would they see their fight for a better Ghana worth it? Am very sure they would be turning in their graves by now because they built a mother Ghana with strong institutions to be become a shining light in Africa, but that is not the case.

 Today we have a country that most of its youth are unemployed ,institutions not strong, indiscipline is the order of the day ,engulfed by filth and political vindictiveness being the order of the day.

This was never the future Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah and our other forefathers   died for and they must be filled with sorrow seeing what has become of our beloved country.

A country that is so blessed with natural resources yet can use it to its maximum benefit by attaching discipline to its usage with the next  generation being in their minds .

It is unfortunate that, we have a country that does not think about its future generation this is evident especially in how we use our natural resources .

Although our current president Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in his speech he delivered at the recent state of the nation address said ‘’ I am thinking of the next generation and not the next election ‘’ a profound statement I should say but this words need to be translated into action since the youth is the future of this country .

If as a youth we are not invested into how can we take care of our beloved mother in her old age .

This is a simple logic in our family systems where as our parents invest in us we as children in turn should serve as pillars they can depend on in their old age to reap the fruits of their labour .

Unfortunately, that is not the case of mother Ghana and this should be a clarion call to our current leaders to rise up not to let our beloved mother sob and remain in a sorry state in  future because her younger children were not invested into to properly take care of their mother  .

The youth are the future of mother Ghana and need the proper focus and attention but it seems successive governments have tried but their efforts have not been enough to secure our country’s future.

If strong institutions ,discipline and a sense of patriotism are not instilled in the youth it puts Ghana’s future at risk .

As a Christian I would refer to the bible to advise leaders of beloved country which says the devil finds work for the idle hands .

In this era where political vigilantism is the order of the day, we should use this same aggressiveness to train those youth who fight for this political party’s with employable skills .

Political maturity  that impact lives of people should be the order of the day not accusations and counter accusations.

Finally this shows  the urgency leaders need to secure the future of Ghana unto the right path  for a brighter and prosperous Ghana in the future .

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