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Allotey Jacobs complains of extortion from some police officers

Mr Bernard Allotey Jacobs the Former Central Regional Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has complained about policemen stationed at the Mempeasem barrier in Cape Coast, to the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Mr James Oppong Boanuh.

In a post on Facebook, he described as “too much” the rate at which the officers extort monies from drivers who ply that stretch.

“Mr IGP the Extortion @ the Cape Coast Mempeasem barrier is too much,” he wrote.

Persistent armed robbery attacks within the Cape Coast Municipality is what compelled the Police Administration to mount the barriers and checkpoints to clamp down on criminal activities in the city.

But Allotey Jacobs indicated there has been a reduction of the robbery incidents following the introduction of the tricycle (aboboyaa/pragia) business.

He, however, posited that it makes no sense for the police to mount a barrier at that very spot when there are existing ones at Jukwa, Oguaa Kuma, Abeadze Dominase amongst others.

“Mr IGP the boys driving Aboboyah pragia and motor have reduced robbery in Cape Coast Municipality

“The Mempeasem barrier is of no use when you have a barrier at Jukwa, Atabadzi, Tstse Oguaa Kuma Beriwa and Abeadze Dominase you don’t need a barrier at Oguaa Mempeasem The extortion is too much,” said Allotey Jacobs.

He added that the development is bringing the name of the Service into disrepute and therefore called out on the IGP to swiftly intervene.

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