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Russia and African Countries Agree on Cooperation

The Roscongress Foundation signed a number of cooperation agreements at the maiden edition of Russia–Africa Economic Forum to establish effective communication between the expert and business communities of the Russian Federation and African countries.

The agreements were signed with the Egyptian Exporters Association – Expolink, the National Agency for Investment Promotion of the Republic of the Congo, the Nigerian Investment Promotion Agency, the Eswatini Investment Promotion Authority, the Chamber of Commerce of Burkina Faso, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture of Tanzania, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Abuja, the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mali, and the Confederation of Business Associations of Mozambique.

“The Forum provides us with a unique opportunity to establish a direct dialogue with representatives of the authorities and the business community of the African continent. The agreements we signed would create fundamentally new opportunities for us and should take communication between representatives of business, state, public organizations, and social institutions to a new level. Today we have laid a solid foundation for building long-term and diverse cooperation between Russia and African countries.

Partnerships in such areas as modern technologies, industry, construction, and many other areas are all being discussed at the Russia–Africa Economic Forum, and I am sure that this will result in long-term mutually beneficial collaboration with our regional partners in African countries,” Roscongress Foundation CEO Alexander Stuglev said.

Khaled El Mikati, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Exporters Association – Expolink, noted the Egyptian business community’s high level of interest in cooperation with Russia: “Collaborating with the Roscongress Foundation creates opportunities for us to build a direct dialogue with our Russian partners, including at the major business events conducted by the Foundation, such as the St. Petersburg International

Economic Forum, Eastern Economic Forum, and Russian Energy Week. Participating in these events helps us find methods of mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries and build effective communication for the successful implementation of joint projects.”

The Roscongress Foundation also signed a cooperation agreement with the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“A number of strategic cooperation agreements have been signed on the sidelines of the Russia-Africa Economic Forum today. Joint projects will be implemented in the economic, social, and humanitarian spheres. The Forum served as a platform for dialogue and a meeting place for the expert community and laid the foundation for long-term mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and Africa,” said Irina Abramova, director of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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