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We are operating legally in Ghana-NUTAG defends

The Nigerian Union of Traders Association Ghana (NUTAG), has stated that, most of the shops that were closed down by Ghanaian traders on Monday had the documentation backing the operation of their businesses in the country.

His comment follows a decision by Ghanaian traders at Opera Square to embark on an operation to lock-up shops owned by foreigners in the national capital.

The Ghana Union Traders Association (GUTA) has on several occasions complained about what they say is the collapse of their businesses due to the invasion of foreigners in the retail business.

According to them, the activities of the foreigners breach the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre’s Act (Act 865).

However speaking on Eyewitness News, President of NUTAG, Chukwuemeka Nnaji dismissed this claim, saying most of the shops that were closed down had registered with the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre.

Chukwuemeka Nnaji said the shops were closed down without a request for a residence permit and other important documents from the foreign traders.

“Most people have a residence permit and nobody asked them anything. There is no question on whether you have documentation or not before the shops were locked. No shop was asked to bring a passport or registration of business. Most of the shops that were locked even registered with the GIPC but they still went ahead and locked them up.”

The operation which was not backed by police was also targeted at shops owned by Chinese nationals.

This is the third time such an incident had occurred at this venue where foreign-owned shops operating within the Square were targeted.

There was a recent one in July 2019.

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