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John Mahama promises to uphold Free SHS policy when voted into power

Former president of Ghana John Mahama has debunked claims that a future National Democratic Congress (NDC) government will scrap the Free SHS program.

Speaking at the 27th Annual Residential Delegates Congress organised by the Ghana National Union of Technical University Students in Kumasi, Mr Mahama said his administration, when elected to office, will continue with the program contrary to claims by President Nana Akufo-Addo.

“We will resume our program to fast track educational infrastructure at the secondary level to absorb the increased numbers occasioned by the implementation of the Free SHS program,” he promised.

He added: “We will complete all the remaining 200 community senior high schools. We will build additional ones in high density urban communities including the Zongos and undeserved areas.

“This will bring secondary education to the doorstep of our people… We will form stakeholders consultation to identify all bottlenecks associated with the implementation of the Free SHS. Free SHS is here to stay. It’s underpinned and guaranteed by the Constitution of Ghana and can’t be reversed.”

Mr Mahama was directly responding to President Akufo-Addo was insisted on his Upper East tour on Wednesday that Mahama has plans to cancel the free education program at second cycle institutions.

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