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Stop politicizing Ahmed’s death – Majority cautions minority

The First Deputy Majority Chief Whip, Mr Mathew Nyindam has warned the Minority Caucus against politicising and seeking to score political points with the death of undercover journalist Ahmed Hussein-Suale.

This follows moves by the Minority to haul Assin Central MP, Ken Agyapong before Parliament’s Privileges Committee for, according to them, bringing the name of the House into disrepute through his utterances in the media.

In the view of the Minority, Mr Agyapong’s unmasking of the investigative journalist on TV and social media, contributed to his death.

They want Mr Agyaping arrested and prosecuted for “abetment of crime”.

In a press statement on Monday, 21 January 2019, the ranking member on the Defence and Interior Committee of Parliament, Mr James Agalga, said that: “We call on the law enforcement agencies to promptly cause Mr Agyapong’s arrest and prosecute him for his actions. We also call on Nana Akufo-Addo’s government to roundly condemn the conduct of Mr Agyapong.

“The Minority wishes to stress that it is most embarrassing that Kennedy Agyapong has been allowed to run amok all these years with Parliament and State institutions doing absolutely nothing about his misconduct and reckless utterances only for a US Congressman, Henry C. Hank Johnson, Jr. to demand action from the US State Department. We hereby declare our full support for any sanctions on Kennedy Agyapong as the US Government may deem fit”.

But speaking to Class FM, Mr Nyindam decried the partisan twist the NDC MPs have introduced to the raging saga.

He said: “If they have nothing important to do to keep the peace and security that we have in this country, it is better for them to keep quiet because it is so shameful and I feel very hurt.

“When issues like these come up, a very important issue that needs national and international attention because nothing can pay for a single life that you’ lose in the country, and the Minority wants to try as much as possible to politicise issues like this and it has never brought any positive results. Any time issues like this come up, the Minority will always want to gain some political capital out of it and it hurts me.”

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