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Ghana’s Auditor General bags GHC67m in surcharges

Ghana’s Auditor-General’s Department has retrieved about GHS67 million as surcharges paid by state institutions that committed financial wrongs between 2013 and November 2018, according to a Special Audit report.

“Our follow-up on the status of implementation of recommendations in the Auditor-General’s reports for the period 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2017, resulted in the recovery of a total sum of GHS64,559,121.86 from individuals, institutions and companies who committed financial infractions.”

“Similarly, five individuals, institutions and companies who failed to account for a total amount of GHS3,018,379.72 owed the state for various financial infractions committed prior to the issue of surcharge certificate refunded a total amount of GHS2,578,398.00 between July 2017 and November 2018, into the Consolidated Fund…to bring the total recoveries to GHS67,137,517.86,” the report added.

It said: “The recurrence of irregularities identified in the Auditor-General’s reports resulting in the disallowance and surcharge is a direct result of low level of commitment by management to comply with the provisions of the laws and weak internal control systems.”

“I, therefore, urge the Ministry of Finance to strengthen internal controls, monitor and supervise the activities of officers and impose sanctions on officers who commit such infractions to deter others from committing same,” the report added.

According to a study by pressure group OccupyGhana, the state lost over GHS40 billion between 2003 and 2014 to “irregularities” involving the ministries, departments and agencies.


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