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EC throws out Charlotte Osei logo

The Jean Mensa-led Electoral Commission has gone back to its old logo, in effect doing away with the new one instituted by the now-impeached Chair Charlotte Osei.

A memo to that effect circulated by Mrs Mensa at the election management body said: “Effective December 4, 2018, the original logo of the Electoral Commission which bears the Coat of Arms and has a ballot box showing the hand casting its vote, has been restored.”

“The core values of the Electoral Commission, namely integrity, fairness and accountability have from today also been restored.”

In the memo, Mrs Mensa said: “All communications from the electoral commission must from today be made on the letterhead bearing the original logo of the commission as appears on the face of this letterhead…”

Introducing the now-set aside logo ahead of the 2016 elections, Mrs Osei said: “That is our new logo. We liked it, we picked it and it makes us happy.”


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