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Morocco envoy meets supreme leader of Tijaniya

The long standing mutual cooperation between the TIJANIYYA Muslim Council of Ghana (TMCG) and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco was reenergised in a meeting at the residence of the ambassador . The meeting was made possible as a result of the President and Sipiritual Leader of TMCG led delegation to pay a courtesy call on the new ambassador. Sheikh Mutawakilu Idriss gave narration on the two great events initiated


by his his eminence Sheikh Abdulai Ahmed Maikano. The two annual programmes are the recitation of Holy Qur’an for peace and tranquility to prevail in the country. Last but not the least the celebration of the life of the initiatot of world Tijaniya,Sheikh Ahmed Tijaniya. The PRO Abubakar Baban Yara made mention of the great work of the President and Spiritual Leader of Tijaniya is doing for Islam and Tijaniya. Among the hard work is the combing of the length and breath of this country and beyond winning souls for Islam and Tijaniya.He pointed out countless occasion where his eminence converted people into the Deen and Tariqa. On his part,Ambassador H E Mohammed Farahat  commended the great work Sheikh Khalifa and the Council are doing on Islam and Tariqa Tijaniya and promised to work hand in hand with them to complement their efforts. The Supreme Leader of Tijaniya Sheikh Abul-Faidi Abdulai Ahmed Milano Jallo expresses his gratitude to the ambassador for having time out of his busy schedule to interact with him and his delegation. He praised the long standing relationship between the two entities grows from strength to strength. The leader also prayed that, the coming of the new Ambassador will add more value to him and the councils work of propagating Islam and Tijaniya in this country and beyond.At the meeting was Mohammed Aminu from the embassy of the Kingdom  of morocco.

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