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Nana Addo has failed in the fight against corruption- Fmr Prez Mahama

Addressing scores of delegates at the 9th National Delegates Congress of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), earlier today, the former President has stated his dissatisfaction at the efforts of his successor, Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo in the fight against corruption.

‘…all Ghanaians have received so far is leap service in the fight against corruption. A Special Prosecutor’s office, their flagship anti-corruption instrument remains starved of funds, personels and logistics to do its work”…he said.

As I said in Ho last year and I quote, it doesn’t take bravery to prosecute one’s political opponents. The true test in the fight against corruption is holding your own people accountable when they go wrong, and so far, the President has failed this test.” Most appallingly, the President has become the clearing house for clearing his appointees accused of corruption”.

“Indeed it was a very low day for Ghana when the President peddled a falsehood on a panel at the recent African Investment Forum, that all allegations of corruption made against people in his administration have been investigated and cleared by independent investigative bodies. That was an obvious untrue.” He added.

According to Mahama, this administration has seen a historic increase in nepotism, accusing the government for overseeing an administration of a large number of friends, families and cronies in a very insensitive manner, despite calls from the Ghanaian public against the move.

The Former President also reacted to a recent statement by President Nana Addo, that he (Nana Addo) is not ready to respond to comments being made by Presidential aspirants until they are duly elected as flagbearers of their respective parties.

“Recently in a bud aimed at my fellow aspirants and I, the President is quoted as saying he doesn’t respond to presidential aspirants. But what I wish to remind Mr. President is that, as Presidential aspirants, we are also citizens, and not spectators and we’re only amplifying the voices of our fellow citizens. Mr. President can choose not to listen or respond to us but eventually, the citizens of Ghana will demand that response and exact verdict on the issues that we have kept raising”.


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