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Investigate Kpone MCE – NPP polling agents cry out

Some polling agents of the governing New Patriotic Party within the Kpone Katamanso Constituency are calling on the Economic and Organised Crime Organisation (EOCO) to investigate the Municipal Chief Executive of the Kpone Katamanso Municipal Assembly, Solomon Tettey Appiah for allegedly engaging in some corrupt acts at the Assembly.

The group is also however wants him to be sacked as the Chief Executive for abuse of office and going contrary to existing rules and regulations.
Speaking at a press briefing at Atadeka in the Municipality, the spokesperson for the group, Samuel Osae, accused the Municipal Chief Executive, the Coordinating Director and the Finance officer of acts of thievery, misuse of public funds and noncompliance with the procurement law at the Assembly.
Mr. Osae alleged that “the MCE and his accomplices have turned the procurement unit of the Assembly into a rubber stamp office where they go out to make their purchases as well as inflate purchases made.”
He said the MCE, Solomon Tettey Appiah has awarded four contracts for the school feeding program his wife.
“These schools are Methodist and Kpone SHS and Sebrepor A and B”.
Mr. Osae also accused Mr. Appiah of misappropriating funds at the assembly which he said must be investigated.
“The Chief Executive and his team upon taking office now spend an average of GHC75,000 on fuel a month and further spends extra GHC 45, 000 on maintenance on 14 vehicles also for a month”.
He went ahead to state some other corrupt acts the MCE is involved in such as “fronting for the sale of Kpone Cemetery Lands and paying his brother an amount of three thousand Ghana cedis for consultancy services”.
Mr. Osae is however calling on EOCO, the Auditor General’s Department and other relevant bodies to help stop the fraudulent acts perpetrated at the Assembly.
He said the Municipality lacks many developmental projects which those monies could be channelled into.
“We have serious sanitation challenges, bad road network among series of development challenges which we urgently need solutions to and so we will not sit and watch Solomon Tettey Appiah destroy the party and the Municipality” Mr. Osae stressed.
Efforts to get the MCE for his side of the story have not been responded to.

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