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 I’m committed to achieving Allah’s work – Sheikh Anas Tawfiq

The leader and preacher of Darul Hadith Masjid in Kumasi in the Ashanti region, Sheikh Anas Ibrahim Tawfiq has urged his critics to continue publishing falsehood against him.

Sheikh Anas stated that, he has not be at peace since he started his preaching (Da’awa) against activities and practices of some Muslim sects particularly the Tijaniyya Muslims in Kumasi which is against Islam; the teachings and practice of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) he has been accused of causing fear and panic and defamatory language against some prominent leaders of Tijaniyya.

“I preach about peace and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), which is the proper way of life than any Sheikh, I think that’s what provokes my critics but let me tell you, if this is what they called hate then they should stand firm because I will never stop”. He said.

Preaching (Da’awa)

Speaking to, Sheikh Anas disclosed that, with the help of Allah he has imparted knowledge and has changed the lives of some youth who indulged in illegal activities and lifestyle contrary to Islamic teachings and practice.

” I know about criminals who have now converted and following the proper way of life in my community Aboabo in Kumasi, for some time now it is hard to hear of criminal acts. I partnered with the Ashanti regional police command to preach peace during the 2016 general election. We are changing lives and preaching about peace, tolerance, and proper way of life in Islam “. Sheikh Anas added.

COP Kofi Boakye visited Sheikh Anas Ibrahim Tawfic

He further disclosed that some Sheikhs categorically stating that they’re powerful than the holy prophet Mohammed and attributing themselves to Allah, he was quick to add that Ahlusunnah Waljama’at will never keep mute over such utterances.

” Ahlunsunnat Waljama’at is the largest group of Muslims and the only group whose beliefs and teaching are truly in accordance with the noble Qur’an and sunnah of the most beloved prophet (peace be upon him). The beliefs of this group is the same as the Sahabas or the noble companions of the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and the Salf-e-Saliheen (our great pious predecessors). In many hadith, the prophet ( peace be upon him) strongly advised the Muslims to follow his sunnah and to remain steadfast upon the path of his sahaba, the salf-e-saliheen”.


Congregation at the Darul Hadith

Sheikh Anas currently cater for orphans at his masjid an initiative by his late father Sheikh Tawfiq, also working on some charity programs at the Daryl hadith masjid.



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