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Covid-19 vaccination plan for Ghana out

The Covid-19 vaccination plan for Ghana has been revealed by the Health Ministry.

Dr Kwame Amponsah-Achiano disclosed this at a press conference organized by the Information Ministry on February 19, 2021.

President Akufo-Addo in his last Covid-19 address said preparations were far advanced to secure COVID-19 vaccines for the country’s population.

He said the first doses are expected to arrive in March and this will help reduce the rate of infection.

Dr Achiano speaking on target groups and delivery strategies said they will ensure all Ghanaians have access to the vaccine even though it will be done in stages.

But for now, children below the age of 16 years and pregnant women will not be part of the vaccination exercise.

“There is pressure on the vaccines so we know we won’t get it in block, it will come in trickles. The vision is to vaccinate the entire population but for now, the initial target is twenty million people and these persons are health workers, persons with underlying health conditions, security personnel, other essential service providers, persons above 60 years, students of second and tertiary institutions, teachers at all levels, specialized groups across the Executive, Legislature, Judiciary and MDAs, the media and the rest of the population”.

On the delivery strategies, he said: “We’ll use a mixed bag of delivery strategies, we’ll use static where we use fix clinic, already existing hospitals both public and private, we’ll also conduct outreach services depending on the area because there will be temporary mobile clinics where people go, vaccinate and move. There will also be campouts, that is where health workers will pack their bags and go and sleep at places where there are rivers and surrounded by water bodies. But the vaccine will be extended to include pregnant women and children when more information is given”.

Meanwhile, Ghana’s Covid-19 cases stand at 70,348 with active cases at 7,773.

The death toll also stand at 568 as of February 19, 2021.

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